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Iconă utilizată de agenția de muncă Carriere International, reprezentând simbolul monedei euro, cu semnul distinctiv €, semnificând unitatea monetară utilizată în multe țări europene.
€13,68-15,80/h gross
Iconiță reprezentând un ceas, simbolizând timpul și punctualitatea, o caracteristică esențială în mediul profesional. Descrierea este realizată de agenția de muncă Carriere International.
Shift system
Iconiță reprezentând o insignă de localizare, simbolizând poziționarea geografică sau un loc specific. Descrierea este realizată de agenția de muncă Carriere International.
Prawo jazdy
Driving licence

About the employer

What your job will involve?


The job as heftruck operator (front forklift operator) or EPT operator on the warm hall. Duties include collecting orders, transporting pallets and placing them on the shelves in the warehouse.
There is a single shift for the first 2 months of work.
After this period, work in 3 shifts:
6:00 – 14:30; 14:30 – 23.30, 23.00 – 7.00.


  • Stable and legal work with a Dutch contract.
  • Assistance provided by a English consultant working in the Netherlands.
  • The hiring process could be online.
  • Holiday and leave allowance.
  • Shift allowances.
  • Attractive allowance for drivers.
  • Free transport to and from work.
  • Wages paid every week into the employee’s account (except the first one, which you will receive after 2 weeks).
  • We offer paid accommodation and health insurance.
  • Access to the myHolland platform, where you can find your
    documents and the information you need.


  • Communicative command of the English language.
  • Experience as EPT/ heftruck operator.
  • Readiness for long-term cooperation.
  • Flexibility and willingness to work shifts.
  • Ability to work autonomously.
  • B driving licence.
  • Dutch heftruck certificate required at Ede location.

Your wages

  • 113,75%
    Shift allowance
  • €25/week
    Driver’s allowance

Haven’t found an offer that suits you?

If you haven’t found a job offer, nothing is lost!
Fill in the form and we’ll take care of the rest!