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27 September, 2022

One of the most serious dilemmas faced by those choosing to travel to the Netherlands to work there is whether to go on their own or with a partner. Some find it hard to imagine a long separation from their loved ones, but does it have to be that way? It turns out that, according to a Carrière report, almost half of the Polish women who went to work in the Netherlands in 2021 alone, travelled there with a companion. As far as men were concerned, the ratio was 30%. Every year, the offering of jobs for couples in the Netherlands gets better and better. So, why not consider taking a trip together?

Is working as a couple a good idea?

Before deciding to go together, you and your partner will definitely have a serious conversation. Above all, you need to realise that going to work abroad as a couple means spending time together almost 24 hours a day, and no conflicts and disagreements should translate into your performance in the workplace. However, if you have no children, no pets to look after, and no other serious commitments keeping you in the country, plus this is your first trip to work in the Netherlands, by far the most favourable option is to travel together.

Why is it a good idea to go to work abroad as a couple?

Going to work abroad for the first time can be stressful for many, also due to the paperwork involved. If this is the case with you, it’s good if you have someone to rely on and share responsibilities with, so that the burden of preparation doesn’t fall on one person. What’s more, you may find that your partner finds some things easier to do, while you feel more comfortable with others. In such a situation, organising a trip as a couple will certainly prove to be much easier.

Imagine a situation where you have to make arrangements for the trip, accommodation, and all permits and, on top of that, pack the necessary things. Of course, a coordinator from an employment agency will help you in many cases, but it will definitely be easier if your partner takes over some of these responsibilities. Also, when you’re already settling in, the presence of somebody close to you will make the new situation much more comfortable and safer. Returning from work, shopping, or organising and using accommodation in the Netherlands as a couple is simply better.

Avoiding separation

One of the main reasons why couples find going to work in the Netherlands together , to be a better option is to avoid separation. Many couples cannot imagine being in a long-distance relationship. By going to work abroad as a couple, you will gain the opportunity to spend time together and get to know your partner better. It is said that nothing binds people like going on a trip together. What’s more, by living abroad you have the opportunity to explore and experience another culture as a couple. A leisurely weekend is a perfect opportunity to explore the wide range of Holland’s attractions.

Common objective

Most couples choose to go to the Netherlands together for financial reasons. Many of them want to earn money for their wedding, own flat, or a new car. Some of these couples decide to stay permanently and start families here. And there’s nothing unusual about that. The Netherlands has for many years been among the top five happiest countries in the world according to a UN ranking. The country was ranked 5th in the World Happiness Report 2021. In comparison, Poland was in 44th place in the ranking.

Job opportunities for couples in the Netherlands

Today, the range of job opportunities in the Netherlands is so diverse that there will be always something for everyone. Depending on whether you go to work for a few weeks, months, or years, Holland offers jobs in horticulture, manufacturing, industry, or logistics.

There will also bejobs in the Netherlands for couples without language skills. A worker at a conveyor belt with chocolates or baked goods, or one harvesting fruit and vegetables, won’t be required to speak foreign languages.
Basic knowledge of English will also be sufficient for you to work as an order pickerJumbo, Albert Heijn, or GXO.

Moreover, the Netherlands has recently been looking for several professionals with a technical background. Electricians, fitters of all kinds of installations, telecommunications specialists, and engineers can easily find employment in the Netherlands at several times the salary usually offered in Poland. You can find current job offers here.

Jobs for couples in the Netherlands – what should I look out for?

When choosing a job abroad for a couple, there are a few things to look out for. Firstly, you should check that both your partner and yourself will be working the same shift. This will avoid unpleasant surprises, such as different dates for days off or returning home from work at different times.

Secondly, measure your strength against your intentions. It is worth finding out exactly what the job entails. Some jobs, such as in logistics, can be too exhausting for a petite woman.
Another important issue is accommodation. It’s crucial that you make it clear to the agency employee when being hired that accommodation for two people will be necessary. The consultant will then take you through the available options for a single room or studio accommodation.

Jobs abroad for couples – why opt for arrangements through an agency?

The indisputable advantage of working through an agency is the assistance with formalities and all the logistics of the worker’s arrival and settling in. In your conversation with the agency’s consultant, you have the opportunity to talk about your expectations of the employer and ask questions about all matters relating to living in the Netherlands.

You don’t want to look for housing on your own? Your consultant will offer you a job for couples in the Netherlands with accommodation. In the event of illness, you will receive assistance with an appointment with a doctor or instructions on how to apply to the relevant authority for sick pay.

What’s more, by going to work abroad with the help of a certified agency, you are assured that you won’t be swindled or otherwise treated unfairly. It’s worth knowing that every good agency is a member of the ABU – the Dutch Association of Temporary Employment Agencies. The ABU ensures that employees receive collective agreements (CLAs) and that intermediaries comply with the provisions contained in them.

In addition, when opting for agency accommodation, it’s a good idea to check if it’s certified by the SNF (Stichting Normering Flexwonen). The certificate proves that the housing offered meets the relevant safety standards and has the required number of rooms and facilities. Certified employment agencies such as Carrière, only offer accommodation that meets SNF requirements.